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Términos y condiciones concurso Roku Gin

  1. Este concurso está abierto a cualquier persona mayor de 18 años, excluidos los empleados y sus familiares inmediatos.
  2. El concurso comenzará el 1 de Diciembre de 2024 y se cerrará el 31 de Diciembre de 2024 a las 11:59 CET.
  3. Para participar, siga los pasos de la página
  4. Seleccionaremos un ganador que se anunciará sobre 1 de Enero de 2025.
  5. Al participar, acepta liberarnos y eximirnos de toda responsabilidad por lesiones, responsabilidades, pérdidas y daños de cualquier tipo que resulten de su participación en este concurso (salvo que nada limitará nuestra responsabilidad por fraude o muerte o lesiones personales causadas por nuestra negligencia).
  6. Los Participantes indemnizarán y eximirán al Promotor y a sus respectivos afiliados, directores, agentes u otros socios ("los Indemnizados") de cualquier reclamo, acción, procedimiento, costo (incluidos honorarios legales razonables) y gastos presentados o declarados por un tercero contra cualquiera de los Indemnizados que surja como resultado del uso por parte del Promotor de la presentación del participante, incluido, entre otros, cualquier incumplimiento de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de terceros. 
  7. El premio no tiene valor monetario y consiste
    1. Experiencia de cena al atardecer en Café Mambo
    2. Dos vuelos de ida y vuelta a Ibiza hasta 500 €(desde España)
    3. Estancia de 2 noches en Las Mimosas Boutique Hotel & Spa
    4. Acceso a la piscina y spa Las Mimosas Boutique Hotel & Spa
    5. Desayuno diario en Las Mimosas
    6. Clase de cocteles
    7. Transporte desde y hacia el aeropuerto
  8. No se aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier participación que esté incompleta o que no cumpla con estos Términos y Condiciones de alguna manera.
  9. El primer ganador elegido válido ganará los premios. En caso de disputa, la decisión del Promotor es inapelable. No entrará en ninguna correspondencia.
  10. El ganador será notificado por correo electrónico. El ganador tiene diez días (10 días) a partir de la fecha de notificación para aceptar el premio. Si el premio no es reclamado, el premio caducará y el Promotor se reserva el derecho de ofrecer el premio a un ganador alternativo de acuerdo con estos términos.
  11. No pueden participar agentes, terceros, grupos organizados o aplicaciones generadas automáticamente por ordenador. No se permiten entradas incompletas, ilegibles o corruptas o entradas que no estén de acuerdo con las reglas.Pueden participar solamente los residentes en España.
  12. No se acepta responsabilidad por las inscripciones perdidas, dañadas o demoradas como resultado de fallas de cualquier tipo en la red, el hardware o el software.
  13. Todos los premios son intransferibles. Sin alternativa de efectivo. En el improbable caso de que uno de los premios no esté disponible, el Promotor se reserva el derecho de ofrecer una alternativa de igual o similar valor.
  14. Si un acto, omisión, evento o circunstancia ocurre más allá del control razonable del Promotor y que impide que el Promotor cumpla con estos términos y condiciones, el Promotor no será responsable de ningún incumplimiento o demora en el cumplimiento de su obligación. .
  15. Al participar en la Promoción, se considerará que todos los participantes han aceptado y están sujetos a los términos y condiciones y consienten la transferencia de sus datos personales al Controlador de datos para los fines de la administración de esta promoción y cualquier otro propósito para que el participante ha dado su consentimiento. Todas las instrucciones de participación forman parte de los términos y condiciones.
  16. El Promotor se reserva el derecho de verificar la elegibilidad de los participantes. El Promotor puede requerir la información que considere razonablemente necesaria con el fin de verificar la elegibilidad de una participación y el premio puede retenerse hasta que, a menos que el Promotor (a su entera discreción) esté satisfecho con la verificación.
  17. Esta Promoción no está patrocinada, respaldada, administrada por Facebook o Instagram, ni Facebook o Instagram están asociados con esta Promoción. Cualquier información que revele durante esta promoción se comunica al Promotor y no a Instagram. El participante libera a Instagram de todos los reclamos y responsabilidades que surjan con respecto a la Promoción.
  18. Debido a circunstancias excepcionales fuera de su control razonable y solo cuando las circunstancias lo hagan inevitable, el Promotor se reserva el derecho de cancelar o modificar la promoción o estos términos y condiciones en cualquier etapa, pero siempre se esforzará por minimizar el efecto a los participantes con el fin de Evite decepciones indebidas.
  19. Es posible que se solicite a los ganadores que participen en la publicidad que surja de esta promoción.
  20. Para el nombre del ganador, envíe un correo electrónico a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. dentro de las 10 semanas posteriores a la fecha de cierre.
  21. Estos términos y condiciones (ya sean tales disputas o cuestiones de naturaleza contractual o no contractual, tales como reclamaciones extracontractuales, por incumplimiento de estatutos o reglamentos u otros) se regirán e interpretarán de conformidad con la legislación española. Por la presente, los participantes se someten irrevocablemente a la jurisdicción exclusiva del Tribunal Español en las Islas Baleares para resolver cualquier disputa o cuestión de este tipo.

Promotor y Responsable del Tratamiento: PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL. C / Vara de Rey, 40, San Antonio 07820 B07776172. 

Política de Privacidad

Information in compliance with personal data protection legislation


In Spain and the rest of Europe, there are data protection regulations in place designed to protect your personal data that, as a company, we need to be compliant with.

That is why it’s important for us that you clearly understand what we do with the data we request.

We will be transparent and ensure you have control over your data, using plain language and clear options that will allow you to decide what we are allowed to do with your personal data.

If anything is unclear after reading this information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Who are we?

  • Company name: PRODUCCIONES MAMBO  S.L.


  • Our tax identification code/tax ID: B07776172


  • Our primary activity: FOOD AND BEVERAGE


  • Our address: C/ GENERAL BALANZAT 12, CP 07820, San Antonio (Balears (Illes))


  • Our telephone number: 971803383


  • Our email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Our website:


We are available should you need us. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Why do we use your data?

Generally, your personal data will be used to maintain a relationship with us in order to deliver our services to you.

Your data may also be used for other purposes, such as sending you marketing communications or promoting our services. 


Why do we need to use your data?

Your personal data is required for us to maintain a relationship with us in order to deliver our services to you. We will provide a series of tick-boxes that will allow you to make a clear and simple decision on how you want us to use your data. 


With whom will we share the data you provide us?

Generally, only our staff members who have been fully authorised may access the data that you have provided.

Equally, we may pass your personal data on to other entities where this is required in order to provide our services to you. For instance, we will need to share your data with our bank if you pay for our services by credit card or bank transfer.

We will also need to pass your data on to public or private entities when we are obliged to do so by law. For example, Spanish tax law requires us to provide the tax authorities with information on financial transactions that exceed a certain amount.

Nevertheless, if we otherwise need to disclose your personal data to other entities, we will ask your permission beforehand, providing you with clear options that will allow you to make a decision.


How do we protect your data?

We protect your data using effective security measures in proportion to the risks involved in using your data.

We have adopted a Data Protection Policy, and we carry out checks and annual audits to verify that your personal data is secure at all times.


Will we transmit your data to other countries?

Many countries across the world offer secure protection for your data, while others not so much. The European Union, for example, is a secure environment for your data. Our policy is not to send your personal data to any country that does not offer secure protection for your data.

In the event that we need to send your data to a country that is not as secure as Spain, in order to deliver our services to you, we will always ask your permission beforehand and apply effective security measures to reduce the risk of sending your personal data to another country.


How long do we retain your data for?

We will store your data for the duration of our customer relationship, in compliance with the legislation. Once the statutory retention period has lapsed, we will then destroy your data in a secure and environmentally-friendly manner.


What are your rights when it comes to data protection?

You may contact us at any time to find out what personal data we hold about you, to have it rectified where it is incorrect and to have it erased once our customer relationship comes to an end, provided that it is lawful to do so.

You are also entitled to have your data transferred to other entities in certain situations, under your right to data portability.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please send us a written request, accompanied by a copy of your ID, so that we can confirm your identity.

We have specific forms that you can use to exercise these rights, which we would be happy to help you fill in.

For more information about your data protection rights, please visit the Spanish Data Protection Agency website at


Can you withdraw your consent if you change your mind later?

Yes, you can withdraw your consent at any time if you change your mind about how your data may be used.

For example, if you were previously interested in receiving marketing communications about our products or services, but you no longer wish to receive these, you can let us know by using the consent withdrawal form available from us.


How can you submit a complaint if you feel your rights have not been honoured?

If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your request, you may submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. The agency can be contacted as follows:

  • Website:
  • Address:

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos
C/ Jorge Juan, 6
28001 Madrid

  • Telephone:

 +34 901 100 099

 +34 91 266 35 17

You can submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency free of charge and you do not need the assistance of a solicitor or lawyer.


Do we build profiles about you?

Our policy is not to build any profiles about the users of our services.

However, there may be situations when we need to develop information profiles about you in order to provide a service, commercial or otherwise. An example would be where we use your purchase or service history to offer products or services tailored to your tastes or needs.

In such cases, we will apply effective security measures to protect your data at all times against unauthorised persons intending to use it for their own benefit.


Do you use your data for other purposes?

Our policy is not to use your data for any purposes other than those that we have explained. However, if we need to use your data for another purpose, we will always ask your permission beforehand, providing you with clear options that will allow you to make a decision.

Política de Cookies EN

Welcome to the COOKIES POLICY of the PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL, entity's website, provided with CIF B07776172, where we will explain in a clear and simple language all the necessary questions so that you can have control over them based on your personal decisions


A cookie is a small information file that is stored on your computer, smartphone or tablet every time you visit our website.

In general, a cookie is harmless: it does not contain viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. that may damage your terminal, but it does have some impact on your right to the protection of your personal data, as it collects certain information concerning your person (browsing habits, identity, preferences, etc.).

That is why, based on the provisions of the applicable regulations (LSSI and current personal data protection regulations), the activation of certain types of cookies will require your prior authorization.

Through a step as simple and fast as marking a box in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section, you can give your authorization for the activation of the cookies you want: take control and enjoy a personalized navigation on our page.

Before that, we will give you some additional information that will help you to make better decisions about it.:

  1. Cookies can be of various types depending on their purpose:
  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to work, do not need your authorization and are the only ones we have activated by default.
  • The rest of cookies can be used to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising adjusted to your searches and personal interests. All of them are deactivated by default, and your prior authorization is required for activation, which you can perform through a step as simple and fast as marking a box in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section


  1. Some cookies are ours (we will call them own cookies) and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website (we will call them third-party cookies: an example could be cookies from external providers such as Google). In this sense, it is important that you know that some of these external suppliers may be located outside of Spain.

Globally, not all countries have the same level of data protection, with some countries being safer than others (for example, the European Union is a secure environment for your data). Our policy is to rely on reliable suppliers who, regardless of whether or not they are located in the European Union, have adopted the appropriate guarantees for the protection of your personal information. However, in the section called WHAT KIND OF COOKIES ARE CURRENTLY USED ON OUR WEBSITE?, you can consult the different Privacy and data protection policies of each of the aforementioned external providers, in order to make a conscious decision activation or not of third-party cookies used by our website

  1. Finally, we explain you that, depending on the period of time they remain active, cookies can be of two types:
  • Session cookies: they expire automatically when you finish the session on your computer, smartphone or tablet. They are usually used to keep the necessary information while providing a service only once..
  • Persistent cookies: they remain stored on your computer, smartphone or tablet for a certain period, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.
  • Technical Cookies:

Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to work and for you to navigate through it. These types of cookies are those that, for example, allow us to identify you, give you access to certain restricted parts of the page if necessary, or remember different options or services already selected by you, such as your privacy preferences. Therefore, they are activated by default, your authorization is not necessary.

Through the configuration of your browser, you can block or alert the presence of this type of cookies, although such blocking will affect the proper functioning of the different functionalities of our website.

  • Analysis Cookies:

The analysis cookies allow us to study the navigation of the users of our website in general (for example, which sections of the page are the most visited, which services are used most and if they work correctly, etc.).

From this statistical information about navigation on our website, we can improve both the operation of the page itself and the different services it offers. Therefore, these cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but only serve to make our website work better, adapting to our users in general. By activating them you will contribute to this continuous improvement.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being disabled by default.

  • Functionality and Personalization Cookies:

Functionality cookies allow us to remember your preferences, to personalize certain features and general options of our website, every time you access it (for example, the language in which the information is presented to you, the sections marked as favorites, your browser type, etc.).

Therefore, these types of cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but by activating them you will improve the functionality of the website (for example, adapting to your type of browser) and the customization of it based on your preferences (for example, by presenting the information in the language that you have chosen in previous occasions), which will contribute to the ease, usability and comfort of our webpage during your navigation.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being disabled by default.

  • Advertising Cookies:

Advertising cookies allow us to manage the advertising spaces included in our website based on criteria such as the content shown or the frequency in which the ads are displayed.

For example, if you have been shown the same ad several times on our website, and you have not shown a personal interest by clicking on it, it will not appear again. In summary, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising shown on our website will be more useful and diverse, and less repetitive.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being disabled by default.

  • Behavioral Advertising Cookies:

Behavioral advertising cookies allow us to obtain information based on the observation of your browsing habits and behaviors on the web, in order to show you advertising content that best suits your personal interests.

To understand it in a very simple way, we will give you a fictitious example: if your last searches on the web were related to suspense literature, we would show you advertising about suspense books.

Therefore, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising that we show you on our website will not be generic, but will be oriented to your searches and interests, therefore adjusting exclusively to you.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being disabled by default.


Next, we will proceed to inform you about all types of cookies that are currently used on our website and the purpose of each of them:

Type of cookie


Responsible entity and link to its privacy and data protection policy

Timeframe (session / persistent)

Name: _gid

Contiene un identificador único utilizado por Google Analytics para determinar que dos visitas distintas pertenecen al mismo usuario en todas las sesiones de navegación.



Name: _ga_*

Contiene un identificador único utilizado por Google Analytics 4 para determinar que dos visitas distintas pertenecen al mismo usuario en todas las sesiones de navegación.





Contiene un identificador único utilizado por Google Analytics para determinar que dos visitas distintas pertenecen al mismo usuario en todas las sesiones de navegación.




Las cookies de preferencias se utilizan para recordar información que personaliza la apariencia o el comportamiento de un sitio web para cada usuario. Esto puede incluir almacenar el idioma, la región, la moneda o el tema de color preferidos del usuario.



When you access our website for the first time, you will be shown a window in which we inform you that cookies can be of various types:

  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to work, do not need your authorization and are the only ones we have activated by default. Therefore, they are the only cookies that will be active if you only press the ACCEPT
  • The rest of cookies serve to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising adjusted to your searches and personal interests. All of them are deactivated by default, but you can activate them in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section: take control and enjoy a personalized navigation on our webpage, with a step as simple and fast as checking the boxes you want.

We would also like to inform you that, once you have activated any type of cookies, you have the possibility to deactivate them at any time, with the simple step of unchecking the corresponding box in the COOKIES CONFIGURATION section of our website. It will always be as easy for you to activate our own cookies as to deactivate them.

Also remind you that, through the configuration of your browser, you can block or alert the presence of cookies, although such blocking may affect the proper functioning of the different functionalities of our website in the case of the necessary technical cookies.

Finally, indicate to you that, if you activate third-party cookies (external companies that provide services for our website) and subsequently wish to deactivate them, you can do so in two ways: using the cookies deactivation tools of your browser or through your own means enabled by said external providers.

To make it much easier, here are a series of links to the cookie deactivation guidelines of commonly used browsers:

Also, we indicate to you the links to the own systems enabled by each of the aforementioned external providers for the deactivation of their cookies:


Thank you very much for your cooperation

Personal Data Protecction Undertaking



The Management / Governing Body of PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL (from now on, the data controller), assumes the maximum responsibility and commitment with the establishment, implementation and maintenance of this Data Protection Policy, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of the data controller with the aim of achieving excellence in relation to the compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJEU L 119/1, 04.05.2016), and of the Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data (Organic Law, specific sectoral legislation and its implementing rules)


The Data Protection Policy of PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL is based on the principle of proactive responsibility, according to which the data controller is responsible for compliance with the regulatory and jurisprudential framework that governs said Policy, and is able to demonstrate this to the competent control authorities.


In this regard, the data controller shall follow the following principles which should serve as a guide and framework for all his staff in the processing of personal data:


  1. Design of Data protection: the data controller shall, both when determining the means of processing and at the time of the processing itself, implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, such as pseudonymisation, designed to apply effectively data protection principles such as data minimisation and to integrate the necessary guarantees into the processing.


  1. Default data protection: the controller shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that, by default, personal data are processed only if they are necessary for each specific purpose of the processing.


  1. Data protection during information life: measures ensuring the protection of personal data shall be applicable throughout the entire life cycle of the information.


  1. Legality, loyalty and transparency: personal data will be treated in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party.


  1. Purpose limitation: personal data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and shall not be further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.


  1. Minimisation of data: personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.


  1. Accuracy: personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed are deleted or rectified without delay.


  1. Limitation of storage time: personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of the processing of the personal data.


  1. Integrity and confidentiality: personal data shall be processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, through the implementation of appropriate technical or organisational measures.


  1. Information and training: one of the keys to guaranteeing the protection of personal data is the training and information provided to the personnel involved in the processing of such data. During the life cycle of the information, all personnel with access to the data will be properly trained and informed about their obligations in relation to compliance with data protection regulations.


The Data Protection Policy of PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL is communicated to all personnel of the data controller and made available to all interested parties.


Consequently, this Data Protection Policy involves all the personnel of the data controller, who must know and assume it, considering it as their own, each member being responsible for applying it and verifying the data protection rules applicable to their activity, as well as identifying and providing the improvement possibilities that they consider appropriate in order to achieve excellence in relation to its compliance.


This Policy will be reviewed by the Management / Governing Body of PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL, as many times as deemed necessary, in order to comply, at all times, with the provisions in force regarding personal data protection.


Contact us.

Café Mambo

Some icons you only look at but others you experience. And these are the icons that are well worth following. Like Café Mambo. For over 25 summers, this iconic establishment on the Sunset Strip in San Antonio in Ibiza has been giving unforgettable sessions of electronic music and countless moments of celebrations and fun, from morning to the small hours. There’s nothing more stimulating than lively places that spread the joy of life.

  • Address

    Calle Vara de Rey 40
    07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany
    Ibiza, Islas Baleares

    Google Maps

  • Bookings

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    +34 971 34 66 38

Read more ...Contact

Advent Calendar Terms & Conditions

  1. This competition is open to anyone aged 18 and over, excluding employees and their immediate families.
  2. The competition will commence on December 1st, 2023 and will close on December 31st, 2023 at 11:59 CET.

  3. To enter, you follow the steps on the “Contest for Pages” page.

  4. We will select one winner who will be announced by the end of January 15th,2024.

  5. By participating, you agree to release, discharge and hold us harmless from any and all injuries, liability, losses and damages of any kind resulting from your participation in this competition (save that nothing shall limit our liability for fraud, or for death or personal injury caused by our negligence).

  6. Entrants shall indemnify and hold the Promoter and their respective affiliates, directors, agents, or other partners (“the Indemnitees”) harmless from any claims, actions, proceedings, costs (including reasonable legal fees) and expenses brought or asserted by a third party against any of the Indemnitees arising as a result of the Promoter’s use of the entrant’s submission including but not limited to any breach of third-party intellectual property rights.

  7. The prize has no monetary value and consists in:
    1. Sunset Dinner experience at Café Mambo for the 2024 Opening Party
    2. Two return flights to Ibiza offered by Jet2 (Flights must be booked until latest 31st of January 2024 using the voucher code) *
    3. A 3-night stay at Sa Clau by Mambo in San Antonio
    4. Access to the Las Mimosas Boutique Hotel, Pool & Spa
    5. Daily breakfast at Café Bondi
    6. Cocktail Making Class
    7. Transport to and from the airport

  8. No responsibility will be accepted for any entry that is incomplete or does not comply with these Terms and Conditions in any way.

  9. The first valid entry drawn at random from all correct entries shall win the prizes. In the event of any dispute the decision of the Promoter is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

  10. The winner will be notified via e-mail. The winner has fifteen days (15 days) from the date of notification to accept the prize. If the prize goes unclaimed the prize will lapse and the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to an alternative winner in accordance with these terms.

  11. No applications from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computer. No incomplete, illegible or corrupted entries or entries not in accordance with the rules.

  12. Responsibility is not accepted for entries lost, damaged or delayed as a result of any network, computer hardware or software failure of any kind.

  13. All prizes are non-transferable. No cash alternative. In the unlikely event of one the prizes not being available the Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative of equal or similar value.

  14. If an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter and which prevents the Promoter from complying with these terms and conditions the Promoter will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.

  15. By entering the Promotion, all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the terms and conditions and consent to the transfer of their personal data to the Data Controller for the purposes of the administration of this Promotion and any other purposes to which the entrant has consented. All entry instructions form part of the terms and conditions.

  16. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entrants. The Promoter may require such information as it considers reasonably necessary for the purpose of verifying the eligibility of an entry and the prize may be withheld until and unless the Promoter (in its sole discretion) is satisfied with the verification.

  17. This Promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by Facebook or Instagram nor are Facebook or Instagram associated with this Promotion. Any information you disclose during this promotion is disclosed to the Promoter and not to Instagram. The entrant releases Instagram for all claims and liabilities arising in respect of the Promotion.

  18. Owing to exceptional circumstances outside its reasonable control and only where circumstances make this unavoidable, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion or these terms and conditions at any stage but will always endeavour to minimize the effect to participants in order to avoid undue disappointment.

  19. Winners may be required to participate in publicity arising from this promotion.

  20. For the winner’s name please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 10 weeks of the closing date.

  21. These terms and conditions (whether such disputes or issues are contractual or non-contractual in nature, such as claims in tort, for breach of statute or regulation or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law. Entrants hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish Court in Balearic Islands to settle any such dispute or issues.


* Return flights are offered by Jet2 from any Jet2 UK base from which flies directly to Ibiza; flights need to be booked until latest 31st of January. Flights are subject to availability and are non-transferable.


Promoter and Data Controller: PRODUCCIONES MAMBO SL. C/ Vara de Rey, 40, San Antonio 07820 B07776172.


Cookies policy

Welcome to the basic information about the cookies on the website of the entity: Producciones Mambo S.L
A cookie is a small information file that is stored on your computer, smartphone or tablet every time you visit our website. Some cookies are ours and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website.
Cookies can be of several types: technical cookies are necessary for our website to work, do not need your authorization and are the only ones we have activated by default. Therefore, they are the only cookies that will be active if you only press the ACCEPT button.
The rest of cookies serve to improve our webpage, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising adjusted to your searches and personal interests. All of them are deactivated by default, but you can activate them in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section: take control and enjoy a personalized navigation on our page, with a step as simple and fast as checking the boxes you want.
If you want more information, consult the COOKIES POLICY of our website Privacy Policy.
I Accept
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